A is for Arsenic: The Full Bibliography


  1. Adam, H. L. 1913. Notable English Trials: Trial of George Henry Lamson. William Hodge and Company, Edinburgh and London.
  2. Audi, J., Belson, M., Patel, M., Schier, J., Osterloh, J. 2005. Ricin Poisoning: A Comprehensive Review. Journal of the American Medical Association 298(18): 2346–2351.
  3. Bardell, E. B. 1984. Dame Agatha’s Dispensary. Pharmacy in History 26: 13–19.
  4. Bardell, E. B. 1998. Literary Reflections of Pharmacy – XI: Thallium as “An Untraceable Poison”. Pharmacy in History 30: 188–190.
  5. Barnard, R. 1990. A Talent to Deceive: An Appreciation of Agatha Christie. William Collins Sons & Co Ltd., London.
  6. BBC News Online. Curry Poisoning Woman Found Guilty of Murder. 10 February 2010 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/8492936.stm
  7. Benowitz, N. 2009. Nicotine Chemistry, Metabolism, Kinetics and Biomarkers. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology 192: 29–60.
  8. Bereanu, V. and Todorov, K. 1994. The Umbrella Murder. Pendragon Press, Cambridge.
  9. Blum, D. 2011. The Poisoner’s Handbook: Murder and the new Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York. Penguin Books.
  10. Blum, D. 2012. Nicotine and the Chemistry of Murder. Blog posted 25 May http://www.wired.com/2012/05/nicotine-and-the-chemistry-of-murder/
  11. Brocklehurst, R. J. 1934. Cyanide Poisoning: Rasputin’s Death. British Medical Journal July 28: 184.
  12. Brown, K. S. & Robinette, R. R. 1967. No Simple Pattern of Inheritance in Ability to Smell Solutions of Cyanide. Nature 215: 406–408.
  13. Bryan, C. P. (Trans.). 1930. The Papyrus Ebers: Translated from the German Version. The Garden City Press Ltd., Herts.
  14. Buckett, W. R., Haining, C. G. 1964. Some Pharmacological Studies on the Optically Active Isomers of Hyoscine and Hyoscyamine. British Journal of Pharmacology 24: 138–146.
  15. Cavanagh, J. B. 1991. What Have We Learnt from Graham Frederick Young? Reflections on the Mechanism of Thallium Neurotoxicity. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 17: 3–9.
  16. Chan, T. Y. K. 2009. Aconite Poisoning. Clinical Toxicology 47(4): 279–285.
  17. Christie, A. 1990. An Autobiography. William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., London.
  18. Cook, C. 2013. The Agatha Christie Miscellany. The History Press, Gloucestershire.
  19. Courtney Lee, T. 1981. Van Gogh’s Vision: Digitalis Intoxication? Journal of the American Medical Association 245(7): 727–729.
  20. Curran, J. 2010. Agatha Christie’s Secret Notebooks. Harper Collins Publishers, London.
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  22. Curtis, D. R., Duggan, A. W., Johnston, G. A. R. 1971. The Specificity of Strychnine as a Glycine Antagonist in the Mammalian Spinal Cord. Experimental Brain Research 12(5): 547–565.
  23. Cumming, G., Harding, L. K., Prowse, K. 1968. Treatment and Recovery After Massive Overdose of Physostigmine. The Lancet 292(7560): 147–149.
  24. Davies, P., Levy, S., Pahari, A., Martinez, D. 2001. Acute nicotine poisoning associated a traditional remedy for eczema. Archive of Disease in Childhood 85: 500–502.
  25. Dent, J. Y. 1949. Apomorphine Treatment of Addiction. The British Journal of Addiction 46(1): 15–28.
  26. Dillon, F. Rasputin’s Death. 1934. British Medical Journal July 14: 88.
  27. Domino, E. F., Hudson, R. D. 1959. Observations on the Pharmacological Actions of the Isomers of Atropine. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 127(4): 305–312.
  28. Drummer, O. H. 2004. Postmortem Toxicology of Drugs of Abuse. Forensic Science International 142: 101–113.
  29. Duffus, J. H. & Worth, H. G. J. 1996. Fundamental Toxicology for Chemists. The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge.
  30. Eckert, W. 1992. The Development of Forensic Medicine in the United Kingdom from the 18th Century. The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 13(2): 124–131.
  31. Emsley, J. 2001. The Shocking History of Phosphorus. Pan Books, London.
  32. Emsley, J. 2005. The Elements of Murder. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  33. Emsley, J. 2006. Vanity, Vitality and Virility. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  34. Emsley, J. 2008. Molecules of Murder: Criminal Molecules and Classic Cases. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge.
  35. Fagerstrom, K. O., Heatherton, T. F., Kozlowski, L. T. Nicotine Addiction and Its Assessment. Ear, Nose and Throat Journal 69(11): 7630765.
  36. Farrell, M. 1994. Poisons and Poisoners: An Encyclopedia of Homicidal Poisonings. Bantam Books, London.
  37. Faulkner, J. M. 1933. Nicotine poisoning by absorption through the skin. American Medical Association Journal 100(21): 1664–1665.
  38. Flanders, J. 2011. The Invention of Murder. Harper Press, London.
  39. Frank, B. S., Michelson, W. B., Panter, K. E., Gardener, D. R. 1995. Ingestion of Poison Hemlock. Western Journal of Medicine 163: 573–574.
  40. Fujita, Y., Terui, K,. Fujita, M., Kakizaki, A., Sato, N., Oikawa, K., Aoki, H., Takahashi, K. and Endo, S. 2007. Five Cases of Aconite Poisoning: Toxicokinetics of Aconitine. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 31: 132–137.
  41. Galván-Arzate, S. & Santamaría, A. 1998. Thallium Toxicity. Toxicology Letters 99: 1–13.
  42. Gerald, M. C. 1993. The Poisonous Pen of Agatha Christie. University of Texas Press, Austin.
  43. Gerardo, I., Ilsen, R., Ernesto, I., Egar, S., Magaly, T., Mercelo, G. 2005. Valoración de la glucosa como antídoto en la intoxicación por cianuro.  Revista de Toxicología en Línea 7.
  44. Giles, E., Hansen, A. T., McCullough, J. M., Metzger, D. G., Wolpoff, M. H. 1968. Hydrogen Cyanide and Phenylthiocarbamide Sensitivity, Mid-Phalangeal Hair and Colour Blindness in Yucatán, Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 28(2): 203–212.
  45. Glaister, J. 1954. The Power of Poison. Christopher Johnson, London.
  46. Gwilt, P. R. & Gwilt, J. R. 1978. Dame Agatha’s Poisonous Pharmacopoeia. Pharmaceutical Journal 28(30): 572–573
  47. Harrison, D. F. N. 1964. Snuff – Its Use and Abuse. British Medical Journal 2: 1649–1651.
  48. Hodge, J. H. (ed). 1955. Famous Trials 5. Penguin Books, London.
  49. Holden, A. 1995. The St Albans Poisoner. Corgi Books, London.
  50. Holgate, M. 2010. Agatha Christie’s True Crime Inspirations. The History Press, Stroud.
  51. Hollman, A. 1992. Aconitine and Arrhythmias. Br Heart J 67: 315.
  52. Jacobs, W. A., Hoffman, A. 1927. The Relationship between the Structure and the Biological Action of the Cardiac Glycosides. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 74: 787–793.
  53. Jones, E. H. and Ledingham, K. W. D. 1982. Arsenic in Napoleon’s Wallpaper. Nature 299: 626–627.
  54. Keating, H. R. F. (ed). 1977. Agatha Christie: First Lady of Crime. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London.
  55. Ketchum, J. E., Sidell, F. R., Crowell, Jr., E. B., Aghajanian, G. K., Hayes, Jr., A. H. 1973. Atropine, Scopolamine and Ditran: Comparative Pharmacology and Antagonists in Man.  Edgewood Arsenal Technical Report EB-TR-73028 EATR 4761.
  56. Kirk, R. L. & Stenhouse, N. S. 1953. Ability to Smell Solutions of Potassium Cyanide. Nature 171: 698–699.
  57. Knight, B. 1979. Ricin – a potent homicide poison. British Medical Journal 3 February: 350.
  58. Klaassen, C. D. (ed). 2013. Casarett & Doull’s Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons. McGraw-Hill Education, New York, Chicago, San Francisco.
  59. Labelle, A. and Boulay, L. J. 1999. An attempted suicide using transdermal nicotine patches. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie 44(2): 190.
  60. Lee, S. T., Green, B. T., Welch, K. D., Pfister, J. A. and Panter, K. E. 2008. Stereoselective Potencies and Relative Toxicities of Coniine Enantiomers. Chemical Research in Toxicology 21: 2061–2064.
  61. Levy, J. 2011. Poison: A Social History. The History Press, Stroud.
  62. Lockhart, L. P. 1933. Nicotine poisoning. British Medical Journal 1(3762): 246–7
  63. Loewi, O. The Chemical Transmission of Nerve Signals. Nobel Prize speech http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1936/loewi-lecture.html
  64. Lucas, A. 1938. Poisons in Ancient Egypt. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 12(2): 198–199.
  65. Luff, A. P. & Candy, H. C. H. 1919. A Manual of Chemistry. Cassell and Company Ltd., London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne.
  66. MacEwan, P. 1912. The Art of Dispensing: A Treatise on the Methods and Processes Involved in Compounding Medical Prescriptions. Spottiswoode and Co. Ltd., London, Colchester and Eton.
  67. Macinnis, P. 2011. Poisons: From Hemlock to Botox and the Killer Bean of Calabar. Arcade Publishing, New York.
  68. Mallowan, M. 1977. Mallowan’s Memoirs: The Autobiography of Max Mallowan. Collins, London.
  69. Marsh, N. 2013. Final Curtain. Felony and Mayhem, USA.
  70. Mayer, B. 2014. How much nicotine kills a human? Tracing back the generally accepted lethal dose to dubious self-experiments in the nineteenth century. Archives of Toxicology 88: 5–7.
  71. McDermid, V. 2015. Forensics: The Anatomy of Crime. Profile Books.
  72. McGuigan, H. 1921. An Introduction to Chemical Pharmacology; Pharmacodynamics in Relation to Chemistry. P. Blakiston’s son * Co., Philadelphia.
  73. McLaughlin, T. 1980. The Coward’s Weapon. Robert Hale Ltd., London.
  74. McNally, W. D. 1920. A report of five cases of poisoning by nicotine. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 5: 213–217.
  75. McNally, W. D. 1923. A report of seven cases of nicotine poisoning. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 8: 83–85.
  76. Musshoff, F. and Madea, B. 2009. Ricin poisoning and forensic toxicology. Drug Testing and Analysis 1: 184–191.
  77. Ohno, Y., Chiba, S., Uchigasaki, S., Uchima, E., Nagamori, H., Mizugaki, M., Ohyama, Y., Kimura, K., Suzuki, Y. 1992. The Influence of Tetrodotoxin on the Toxic Effects of Aconitine in Vivo. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 167: 155–158.
  78. Oliver, J. S., Smith, H., Watson, A. A. 1979. Poisoning by Strychnine. Medicine, Science and the Law 19(2): 134–137.
  79. Orwell, G. 1946. Decline of the English Murder. Tribune 15th February.
  80. Osborne, R., Thompson, P., Joel, S., Trew, D., Patel, N. and Slevin, M. 1992. The Analgesic Activity of Morphine-6-Glucuronide. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 34: 130–138.
  81. Paul, P. 1990. Murder Under the Microscope. Futura Publications, London.
  82. Pembrey, M. S. & Phillips, C. D. F. 1901. The Physiological Action of Drugs: An Introduction to Practical Pharmacology. Edward Arnold, London.
  83. Percival, G. H. 1930. Treatment of Ringworm of the Scalp with Thallium Acetate. British journal of Dermatology and Syphilis XLII(2): 59–69.
  84. Pounder, J. D. 2003. The Case of Dr. Shipman. The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 24(3): 219–226.
  85. Proudfoot, A. 2006. The Early Toxicology of Physostgmine. Toxicol. Rev. 25(2):99-138.
  86. Reynolds, T. 2005. Hemlock alkaloids from Socrates to poison aloes. Phytochemistry 66: 1399–1406.
  87. Riley, D. and McAllister, P. 2001. The Bedside, Bathtub and Armchair Companion to Agatha Christie. The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd., New York.
  88. Rowland, J. 1960. Poisoner in the Dock. Arco Publications, London.
  89. Sheridan, J. Strang, J. 2003. Drug Misuse and Community Pharmacy. Taylor & Francis, London.
  90. Simon, F. A., Pickering, L. K. 1976. Acute Yellow Phosphorus Poisoning “Smoking Stool Syndrome”. Journal of the American Medical Association 235(13): 1343–1344.
  91. Sly, N. 2011. Murder by Poison: A Casebook of Historic British Murders. The History Press, Gloucestershire.
  92. Smith G., Bartlett, A., King, M. 2004. Treatments of homosexuality in Britain since the 1950s—an oral history: the experience of patients. British Medical Journal 328: 427.
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  95. Smyth, F. 1982. Cause of Death: A History of Forensic Science. Pan Books Ltd., London.
  96. Soligenix. RiVax™ Ricin Toxin Vaccin. http://www.soligenix.com/prod_def_rivax.shtml
  97. Southward, R. E., Hollis Jr., W. G., Thompson, D. W. 1992. Precipitation of a Murder: A Creative Use of Strychnine Poisoning in Agatha Christie’s “The Mysterious Affair at Styles”. Journal of Chemical Education 69(7): 536–537.
  98. Spinney, L. 2003. The killer bean of Calabar. New Scientist 2401: 48–49.
  99. Stevens, S. & Bannon, A. 2007. Book of Poisons: A Guide for Writers. Writer’s Digest Books, Cincinnati.
  100. Stone, T. and Darlington, G. 2000. Pills, Potions and Poisons. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  101. Thompson, C. J. S. 1935. Poisons and Poisoners. Barnes & Noble, New York.
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  103. Thorwald, J. 1969. Proof of Poison. Pan Books Ltd., London.
  104. Trestrail, J. H. 2000. Criminal Poisons; Investigational Guide for Law Inforcement, Toxicologists, Forensic Scientists, and Attorneys. Humana Press Inc., New Jersey.
  105. Tsukada, K., Akizuki, S., Matsuoka, Y., Irimajiri, S. 1992. A Case of Aconitine Poisoning Accompanied by Bidirectional Ventricular Tachycardia Treated with Lidocaine. Kokyu To Junkan 40(10): 1003–1006.
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